Course 2:
Learning and Horse comprehensible use of learning theories

The EBEC Courses build upon one another and as you now from Course 1 are already are an expert in interspecific communication with your horse you now need to gain more evidence based knowledge about the use of the learning theories adjusted for the horses brain.

We at AKA designed a unique learning program adapted to the horses brain, which you will learn in this impressive course 2. This is something you will be really excited about as you will understand why some horses understand better from one trainer what he wants and some do not understand that trainers signals at all. The misinterpreting of the learning theories is a big part in creating problemhorses and is the source of most misunderstandings. We transformed the learning theories like classical and operant conditioning so that the horse understands quickly and in the absence of stress, fear and excitement what you want him to do.

This course will push you out of your personal comfort zone and we will fully support you with love, tremendous knowledge and enthusiasm through every single step of learning resulting in a rising learning curve and skillset. You are on your way towards a very successful equestrian lifestyle. Others will already observe you, be impressed and start asking you questions which you are able to answer on fact based knowledge.

This upcoming set of Live Online Training offers another series of video analyses of your work at home with your horses to improve your technical skills and horse-related competences. Detailed Feedback is included, regardless of the use of your horses or your personal topic: Pleasure, Jumping, Dressage, Eventing, day-to-day problem solving like kicking the farrier, not loading in a trailer, not standing still for the Vet and many more behavioral corrections. We are here to bring you to the next level. You learn how to apply the learning theories and our unique reward and reject system to a behavioral response from the point of view of the horse. You will learn how to switch sides an dtaht’s increasing your empathy and compassion for any kind of horse behavior.

Reflexes and Instincts are a big part of this course as well as classical and operant conditioning and how to reject and how t reward from a horses perspective. The method is a revolution of horse training and was developed within AKA. You will experience how little the signals need to be. Almost not visible from the outside, but very effective. Everything is calm, safe, you will not experience any excitement in horses, no chasing in circles and no punishment whatsoever. You get an inside on the secret recipe of EBEC.

We now add on. In course 1 you got introduced to the first 4 steps of a full Training session with new horses you might take in training, part of this course is step 5 -7 which will complete this full process. We introduce you how to start young horses, how to safely introduce the first saddle, bridle, rider and how to use double line lunging for best physical performance.

The practical hands on horses days will include demonstrations with starters, young green horses and we will show you how impressive the horses learning curve is increasing session by session. You gonna be impressed. Promised!


  • You will get a deeper understanding of the leraning theories and how to efficiently change a horses behavior
  • You will be able to start young horses as well as change a behavior of a problematic horse
  • You got introduced how to integrate the vital signs of horses into gaining performance
  • You are able to use our ethograms to quickly understand the horses thoughts and processing of information
  • You understand the difference between a conscious and unconscious behavioral responses of a horse
  • You know which physical responses you can change and with which once you have to deal differently to prevent stress responses
  • You learn how to analyse your own videos, what to look for and you have fun changing your own awareness around horses
  • You will create learning groups with otehr participants and become part of the European AKA Team of EBEC Trainers
  • You received more detailed literature and studies to open up your mind for a horses point of view
  • We have some tests for you to guide you into the next phase of learning
  • You will earn how to practice double line lunging with trained and untrained horses
  • Gymnastic of the horses musculoskeletal system will now become more effective and get your horses in great shape
  • You can answer questions about EBEC and help others in your equestrian environment to understand what you are working on
  • We will get you excited to learn more – there is much more to come
  • All your questions will be answered


Course 2 for adults: $1,250
Course 2 for students: $1,100*
Course 2 for professional trainers: $1,050
Course 2 for BFF’s and family members: $1,150 for each person

The enrollments will start in December 2020 for the courses starting in Fall 2021.

Do you want to be notified when the dates will be published? Let’s get in touch.
We can’t wait.

* Information on students discount:
Students of a University/College: For the student discount you must be enrolled in a university that requires you to acquire a grade or a state examination. Please send us a copy of your current student identification card and proof of enrollment with your booking.
High School Students and below: You must be attending a state-approved educational institution. Please send us a copy of your current student identification and enrollment with your booking.
Trainees/Apprentices: Must be enrolled in an education through a company or enterprise as an assistant or skilled worker that ends with a final examination or certificate. Please send us a copy of your verification with your booking.

Warteliste: Es kommt immer wieder vor, dass ein Teilnehmer seinen Starttermin nach hinten verschiebt. Wenn du dich jetzt dennoch für den Starttermin im Februar anmeldest, bist du automatisch auf der Warteliste. Melde dich parallel vorsorglich für einen weiteren Starttermin an, um dir dort einen Platz zu sichern. Es entsteht dadurch keine Doppelbuchung.

* Hinweis zu den Ermäßigungen:
Studierende: Für den Rabatt musst du an einer akademischen Einrichtung immatrikuliert sein, die den Erwerb eines akademischen Grades oder das Ablegen eines Staatsexamens ermöglicht. Mit der Exmatrikulation endet dieser Status. Bitte sende uns bei Buchung eine Kopie deines aktuellen Studentenausweises und eine Immatrikulationsbescheinigung.
Schülerinnen und Schüler: Für den Rabatt musst du eine staatlich anerkannte Bildungseinrichtung besuchen, wie z.B. Gymnasium oder Gesamtschule. Bitte sende uns bei Buchung eine Kopie deines aktuellen Schülerausweises.
Auszubildende: Du bist in einem Betrieb in der Ausbildung zum Gesellen oder Facharbeiter, die mit einer Abschlussprüfung abschliesst. Bitte sende uns bei Buchung einen Nachweis.


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