EBEC Course 3 builds upon the content of Course 2. In this Course you will gain more knowledge about the Horses’s brain. You will get evidence and knowledge about important brain tissue and how the different layers transfer information. That’s very important when you want to teach the horse something. You want to be able to activate seperate areas in the brain, especially the memory cells, the cortex as well as the conscious and unconscious areas of the brain. It is highly important that you understand how to deal and react to the horses emotions and how they communicate with the rest of the body. A deeper understanding of the ethograms has to be taken into consideration in order to react accordingly to the horse’s bodylanguage and to reach your training goals fast and efficient.
A big part of this Course is also a deeper understanding of the behaviorist theories and some new behavioral research will be shared with you. All information is based on studies, facts and this knowledge is a kind of a centrepiece to fully understand EBEC. You will work with untrained horses, get practical exercises (our famous TRY OUTS are waiting for you) with important gymnastics and groundwork for your horses. Your horses will be the best in shape horses around your area. You will be able to get them in the best shape possible so they will succeed under the saddle.
As you, when you train horses, also have a lot of contact with all kinds of different people, we give you valuable information about human-to-human communication. This content is very much important in your stable surroundings, but your private life will definitely benefit as well. That is a kind of a beautiful side effect.
Skills in self-reflection, realistic goal setting and an open mind for Feedback are very helpful, when training horses with EBEC. You will feel valued, when working with your horse. You are in the same team and you have a beautiful understanding for the horses feelings and reactions to signals. That makes you beautiful, happy, wanted and successful. The AKA Team consists also of psychologists and communication experts.
We deepen your double line lunging skills with the help of modern technology, like video analyses. The creation of training plans and the documentation of problem analysis of the horses condition becomes very familiar, especially as we guide you through different phases of sport and gymnastic instruction from the horse’s point of view.
In the meantime you are able to practice all 7 steps of a completed training session with new horses, which you have never seen before, as well as problem horses and young starters or green horses. In Course 3 you found a wonderful supportive team of other participants, you made new friends and you grew into this beautiful community which we proudly call AKA family. You become a part of a global network, which is simply amazing. We are so proud of you observing your learning curve.
- Equestrian Communication Skills are becoming more and more significant
- You will be able to derive positive and negative consequences for a horse behavioral response to a stimulus from a horses perspective
- You know how to keep your horse calm and open minded at different stages of training
- The horses you work with understand faster and perform better in reading your signals an gestures
- Your signals become invisible to the outside, your work is now impressive for your audience and has a magic touch
- The content you received in Course 2 will expand and your unconscious body language reacts accordingly
- You will gain more creative skills in order to reach the horses senses and you are able to activate desired brain tissue
- Automated processes are in place and you start to interact according to the impulses the horse needs, without waiting for comments given from your EBEC Instructor
- You understand equestrian scientific studies and content and can transfer it from theory into practical horse training
- Your interspecific communication with the horse is magic now, fine and really touching
- You start having a little bit of an idea about how to design training-plans and how to increase the horses physical condition, this topic will be deepened in Course 4
- You are able to train a pleasure horse differently from a sportshorse, especially to meet the requirements of horses used in dressage, jumping, hunterjumping and eventing
- Skills like self-analysis, the acceptance of criticism as well as your general ability to learn is increasing
- You are now a Double Line Lunging and horse gymnastic, groundwork expert
- You reach the horses brain fast and can train and shape a behavior reliable, especially under the saddle
- Misunderstandings with horses are almost eliminated
After this Course 3 you qualify to take an exam to become AKA certified in Double Line Lunging. The AKA Teamschool is around the corner, if you would love to, you can now send in an application to move towards your goal of becoming an EBEC Instructor and learn how to teach EBEC within AKA. WE WANT YOU.
Course 3 for adults: $1,500
Course 3 for students: $1,350*
Course 3 for professional trainers: $1,250
Course 3 for BFF’s and family members: $1,300 for each person
The enrollments will start in December 2020 for the courses starting in Fall 2021.
Do you want to be notified when the dates will be published? Let’s get in touch.
We can’t wait.
* Information on students discount:
Students of a University/College: For the student discount you must be enrolled in a university that requires you to acquire a grade or a state examination. Please send us a copy of your current student identification card and proof of enrollment with your booking.
High School Students and below: You must be attending a state-approved educational institution. Please send us a copy of your current student identification and enrollment with your booking.
Trainees/Apprentices: Must be enrolled in an education through a company or enterprise as an assistant or skilled worker that ends with a final examination or certificate. Please send us a copy of your verification with your booking.
Warteliste: Es kommt immer wieder vor, dass ein Teilnehmer seinen Starttermin nach hinten verschiebt. Wenn du dich jetzt dennoch für den Starttermin im Februar anmeldest, bist du automatisch auf der Warteliste. Melde dich parallel vorsorglich für einen weiteren Starttermin an, um dir dort einen Platz zu sichern. Es entsteht dadurch keine Doppelbuchung.
* Hinweis zu den Ermäßigungen:
Studierende: Für den Rabatt musst du an einer akademischen Einrichtung immatrikuliert sein, die den Erwerb eines akademischen Grades oder das Ablegen eines Staatsexamens ermöglicht. Mit der Exmatrikulation endet dieser Status. Bitte sende uns bei Buchung eine Kopie deines aktuellen Studentenausweises und eine Immatrikulationsbescheinigung.
Schülerinnen und Schüler: Für den Rabatt musst du eine staatlich anerkannte Bildungseinrichtung besuchen, wie z.B. Gymnasium oder Gesamtschule. Bitte sende uns bei Buchung eine Kopie deines aktuellen Schülerausweises.
Auszubildende: Du bist in einem Betrieb in der Ausbildung zum Gesellen oder Facharbeiter, die mit einer Abschlussprüfung abschliesst. Bitte sende uns bei Buchung einen Nachweis.