Get certified as a Trainer or an Instructor in Evidence Based Equine Communication

You want to offer the Equestrians in your environment our unique, modern school Training methodology for horses?

Get certified in Evidence Based Equine Communication as an EBEC Trainer, EBEC Master Trainer, EBEC Instructor or EBEC Master Instructor. Here is how it works:

AKA has created an efficient and modern educational learning program for equestrians, which was created at the Leuphana University in Lueneburg, Germany. When you join our certification courses it enables you to turn your dream and passion into a profession. We fully support you in your passion and are here to help you realize your dreams to becoming a successful entrepreneur. You will offer the horse industry unique skills in dealing with horses and people.

After passing Course 6 you can enter into a cooperation contract with AKA submerging you into the powerful community of EBEC Trainers and EBEC Master Trainers worldwide. After Course 3 you can join the AKA Teamschool, which will give you the knowledge and skills to teach EBEC at the AKA Andrea Kutsch Academy. You can be qualified as an EBEC Instructor and an EBEC Master Instructor. You will help our students to learn EBEC fast and with the greatest happiness.

We will support you on our website as well as integrate and present you in our social media network. The certifications are tied to a continuous training program, as a matter of fact, you will join our annual meetings to learn about changes and new evidence based results which influences EBEC. In this way, the provision of new scientific findings and the professional standard of AKA can be ensured moving on in the future.

The EBEC Course program includes two certification levels:

EBEC Trainer

  • You are able to train horses efficiently, harmoniously, quickly and safely from a horse-centered perspective.
  • You are able acquire the vast knowledge of coaching which allows you to involve the horse owner and to share your know-how with your horse owner clients.
  • You have the study results, the science-based information which you can convey, use on the horse and pass on to your horse owner customers.
  • You can successfully train horses in a harmonious, stress-free and horse-friendly way.
  • You give ordinary and non-phobic horses an excellent basic education which allows them a great start into their future. This includes working with double line lunging, to prepare the horse for the farrier, the veterinarian, and trailer. Take his uncertainties and turn them into new challenges.
  • You can start and ride young horses in a safe way and optimally prepare them for riders of different equestrian disciplines.
  • You are part of a worldwide association of people who prepare horses quickly, efficiently, in an appropriate way and a horse-centered perspective. You’re integrating the owner and their riding instructor equally and competently.
  • Through our media your specialties are quickly becoming known in the marketplace.
  • The AKA supports you in founding your own company on the way to become an economically successful EBEC Trainer with unique competence.
  • You are part of a global team that supports each other and interacts and communicates with each other in a unique and authentic way.
  • You have ethograms that allow you to recognize the horse’s gestures on scientifically proven information.  You are able to decipher the non-verbal messages of the horse in a proper way and you are able to respond appropriately. You are consciously using your own body language for interspecific communication.
  • If you have chosen teaching as your main focus, you can join the AKA Teamschool after participating in Course 3.
  • You take part in AKA’s Annual Meeting so you stay connected and you continuously improve your knowledge and you are always informed about the latest scientific results.


  • You have all the skills of an EBEC Trainer and can complement, improve and professionalize the work for any professional stud, sable, or horse trainer in the horse industry.
  • You have unique communication skills with humans and horses and can help every horse owner to better understand the horse-centered perspective.
  • You are able to free horses from fear-dominated behaviors of all aspects, equestrian disciplines and are able to share your knowledge with the owners, trainers and coaches.
  • You are able to create a professional training team around the horse so problems get solved long lasting.
  • You can master the history of a phobia and create an effective training plan from the horses perspective. You work harmoniously, calmly and solution-oriented with human and horses.
  • You are part of a big global network and global team of EBEC Trainers and EEBEC Master Traienrs. You support each other spread globally and you are helping people and horses to a stronger and more self-reflective coexistence.
  • You’ll work faster than any EBEC Trainer as your skills are seeking perfection. You have fun, enjoyment and peace after graduating from Course 9. You can work with any horse for any equestrian discipline with any behavioral challenges. You succeed no matter what. You work more efficient than others who do not have this education and your unique knowledge.
  • You now have fully understood EBEC and find solutions independently even for complex and difficult tasks.
  • If you have chosen to focus on teaching and you join the educational program of the AKA Teamschool you can work for AKA as an EBEC Instructor or EBEC Master Instructor. You can teach our Courses 1-9 as an EBEC Master Instructor according to your skills.
  • We support you finding problem horses in your area so you can help people with remedial horses and create your own business as an Entrepreneur.

In AKA we pursue the goal to train top-class EBEC Trainer with professionalism, focused motivation and flat hierarchies between EBEC Trainers and EBEC Instructors of all levels.

We see it as our most important task to motivate our EBEC Trainer and EBEC Instructor to continuous learning and to support you on your journey in the best way possible. This journey starts with the registration to Course 1. Then the actual learning begins with accumulation of experiences, with the constant endeavor to step out of your own comfort zone, and a setting of purposeful tasks. Everything stands and falls with your engagement. You get out of it, what you put into it and we are here to guide you towards your dream to become a certified EBEC Trainer or Instructor. We do everything we can to encourage you to improve your own skills and to enable you to continuously evolve yourself. We are proud of you, no matter what. Thanks for being here on this page to start your journey.


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