Only for you – with guaranteed success

50,000 years of the horse’s developmental history and 10 years of EBEC form the basis of the first scientifically based training and communication method of horses.

The course and training program of the Andrea Kutsch Academy ensures that first the individual learns each necessary step of the EBEC pyramid and are learned and professionally internalized, before the next level in training and education of horses is reached. We begin by understanding that horses must be psychologically and physiologically able to follow a goal and develop a learning situation; that will be the basis for success.

If this is ensured, we will devote ourselves to the interspecific communication process, a zoosemiotics based process that depends on research in biology and behavioral science.

EBEC is not to reduce on a round pen technique and it is not comparable to any other techniques of the era of “horse whisperers”. The horse is both transmitter and receiver of messages. The linchpin of mutual understanding between a human and a horse is the possible coding and decoding of gestures and signals. Since every form of conditioning is built on this exchange of information, it is necessary to fully understand and apply the interspecific ability to communicate with the horse. Only then a learning process can be initiated.

At first insight into the contents of our introductory events. The basics as part of the course program covers this content completely with the introductory block, development block, and a conclusion block. The course program builds on top of each other with a subsequent ground course, a training course, and its specialization areas and the phobic course.

The essence of the course program ensures that Equine Coaches are able to work with any horse of any age, any form of use, and any equestrian discipline. EBEC is not a random principle in which one approach works for one horse and not for another. An Equine Coach can reliably assess what a horse can do and what it can learn. He/She is able to share these contents, also able to explain it to the staff and trainers to mediate, in order to ensure long-lasting successes.


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