Everyone who loves horses wants to understand their mindset and how to work with them in an insightful way.
The Andrea Kutsch Academy supports you in every aspect. It doesn’t matter if you’re interested in horses on a personal level or if you wish to become an expert.
We offer extensive knowledge about horses and training on an evidence based level. We are continously developing and adding to our renowned training method EBEC (Evidence Based Equine Communication) with horse experts and scientists. Constantly expanding our growth in theories and practice in which we started in 2006.
Horse knowledge for everybody
Horseblog by Andrea Kutsch AcademyConstantly creating new tips and tricks all to improve our knowledge of horses. All aspects including but not limited to training, education and language of a horse> more information …
Horse videos by Andrea Kutsch AcademyExperience Andrea Kutsch in the horse training and improve your know how> more information …
Insight offers
You’d like to get to know Andrea Kutsch Acedemy a little closer? Our insight offers exactly what you’re looking for.We offer a great start into our sympathetic and non violent horse communication.
In a short period of time we will show you efficient ways to gain valuable knowledge about current Horsetopics – that’s the perfect start into the world of EBEC.
Is a compressed seminar that invovles basic knowledge around horse communication and language for riders, coachman, vaulting and working on the ground with horses.
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The double-line-lunge-work brings your horse knowledge to a new level. You will also be able to practice your new found knowledge with us, so that you’re able to bring a new aspect later on to your own horse or stable.
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Seminars, courses and Camps for Youth and Teens
The youth and teen seminars are for both girls and boys between the age of 10–17 who are passionate about horses. Andrea Kutsch Academy offers great free time activities and learning opportunities.
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EBEC-Courses Horse communication/Horsetraining
The EBEC-Courses are for all those who want to have a specific knowledge about horses. It can improve anyone from horse enthusiats to experts. Nobody can question your knoweledge in this field, as well as creating a new aspect to your training. Furthermore you could make your hobby or passion into your job.
The EBEC-Courses are structured in 4 blocks. At the end of the EBEC-Courses you will recieve a certificate, which in turn certifies you as an outstanding expert in the industry.
You won’t find any comparable knowledge offer in all of Germany and now America.
1. Basic Course: Horselanguage and Communication with horses
Improve your Communication with horses: Embark on your journey to having more self-confidence and interaction with horses. This is the beginning to solving common problems and misunderstandings of horses. Once you begin practicing this new concept with your horse you will see incrediable change. Not only in your horse but yourself as well.
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2. Ground Course: Ground work with horses and horse-Coaching
Learn the main features of successful groundwork with young, untrained horses. Get to know the correct training on the ground, which in turn keeps your horse fit and healthy. Not only is the communication with a horse one of our many focus points, but you’ll be able to communicate your knowledge and understanding to other people. You’ll learn how to communicate your thoughts and ideas in a educated and methodical way. This is the starting foundation to a planned career as a coach, riding teacher, or incrediable horse owner.
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3. Training Course: Horse Education and Young horsetraining
Get mentally and physcically fit for an efficient and harmonic training between you and your horse. This section focuses on the education of young horses and their preparation for competitions. The starting steps on how to set a halter, lead on a rope, set their first saddle and learning how to set the snaffle comfortably for the horse. You will also learn how to help the horse understand and learn new things in a gentle and harmonious way. In addition you will learn how to deal with new procedures in interpersonal coaching.
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4. Phobic Course: Problemhorses and Coaching
Your next challenge is the handling of Phobic-horses known as „Problemhorses“. There is a multitude of possibilities and or a series of difficulties at one time. These problems can consist of, getting into the transporter, states of panic, and aggression. It may also just consist of everyday problems like pulling the rope, not standing still, runaway during a ride, not being able to gain control of the horse on the field, refuse to hurdle over objects, insecure tendencies and many more. You will learn how to deal with each situation in a confident and sovereign way. Furthermore you’ll learn how to support and coach horseowners in an empathetic and professional way.
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Optional: Specialisation
After the second block of your EBEC training you can then focus on where your interests lie and where you would like to direct your next step in your education. So that you’re able to reach your personal goals.
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Certification as Equine Coach
Once completing all 4 blocks you will have then graduated and are able to become an equine coach. You will be certified in horsetraining and communication with horseowners. This certificate will open your possibilities in the horse industry as well as possibilities in working for Andrea Kutsch Academy.
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Mit dem Online-Coaching möchte dich die Andrea Kutsch Akademie zu spezifischen Aufgabenstellungen beraten und Lösungen bieten. Durch das Online-Angebot ersparst du dir Reisezeiten und bildest sich dann fort, wenn es dir passt.
Ein Tag voller Pferdewissen rund um die Trainings- und Kommunikationstechnik EBEC. Lerne Pferde besser verstehen und erfahre, wie sich der Umgang mit Pferden positiv beeinflussen und verändern lässt, um Missverständnisse zu vermeiden. Dabei bleibt auch Raum für individuelle Fragen und Antworten.
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Du hast Fragen oder Problemstellungen im Pferdetraining oder brauchst ein professionelles Feedback? Nutze die Kompetenz von Andrea Kutsch und ihrem Team und lasse deine Videoaufnahmen professionell analysieren. Schritt für Schritt wirst du erfahren, was du im Training umsetzen müssen, um dein Ziel zu erreichen.
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Persönliches Einzel-Coaching
Zu einem gesunden ausgeglichenen Pferd gehört auch ein zufriedener, selbstreflektierter Mensch. Mit unserem Coaching unterstützen wir dich dabei, deine Träume zu verwirklichen, gesetzte Ziele zu erreichen, deine Stärken optimal einzusetzen und an deinen Schwächen zu arbeiten. In Form persönlicher Unterstützung, die dich mental und menschlich weiterbringt.
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Auch Pferdeprofis profitieren davon, sich auf dem aktuellen Stand zu halten. Ausgehend von deinem Wissensstand, deiner Situation und der für dich relevanten Aufgabenstellung erstellen wir maßgeschneiderte Lerninhalte, die dich in Theorie und Praxis der Pferdeausbildung den entscheidenden Schritt weiterbringen.
Pferdewirten, professionelle Pferdetrainern und Berufsreitern ermöglichen wir, die Trainingsmethode EBEC in das tägliche Pferdetraining und die Pferdeausbildung zu integrieren. Du wirst in der Lage sein, deine Pferde mit EBEC zu Höchstleistungen zu motivieren und deine Fähigkeiten in der Kommunikation mit Kunden, Schülern und Mitarbeitern zu verbessern.
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Züchter unterstützen wir unter anderem dabei, das Pferdetraining auf dem Gestüt unter den Aspekten Gesunderhaltung, Prävention und Grundlagenerziehung zu optimieren. Die fundierte Grundausbildung aus pferdezentrischer Perspektive fördert die intrinsische Motivation und positive Grundeinstellungen des Pferdes. Das Pferd wird langanhaltend leistungsfähiger.
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Turnierreiter versetzen wir in die Lage, durch intrinsische Motivation von Pferden das höchste Leistungspotential abrufen zu können. Mit Hilfe von EBEC kannst du eine praktische Leistungssteigerung und eine bessere Abstimmung zwischen dir und dem Pferd erreichen. Neueste wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse über das Gehirn des Pferdes, die Informationsverarbeitung und die Lernprozesse können in der Ausbildung von Sportpferden sowie insbesondere in der Turniervorbereitung und Vorstellung maßgebenden Einfluss zeigen. Zudem unterstützen wir durch ein persönliches Coaching auch deine eigene Leistungsfähigkeit und helfen dir, im Sport noch erfolgreicher zu sein.
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